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Chris Mark

A former military member, Chris Mark joined the civilian ranks in 2000 and has since become and a recognized information security and risk expert.  He is the former founder and CEO of the two companies and has worked for both MasterCard and Visa on their information security programs.  Chris has conducted payment security and risk management globally on behalf of Visa and other card brands.

Chris is a former enlisted US Marine and US Navy Officer.  He is a qualified Marine Infantryman (0311), Scout/Sniper (8541) and Reconnaissance Marine (8654) and a former Reconnaissance Instructor. Chris is a combat veteran of Operation Continue Hope and has attended numerous military training courses including: Basic Infantryman, Scout/Sniper, Urban Sniper, Basic Reconnaissance, Urban Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Airborne, Pathfinder, Navy Scuba, HRST Master, and Security Forces.

Chris holds a CISSP, CIPP, CPISM/A, is a Visa Accredited EMV Consultant, and holds numerous technical certifications.  He also holds MBA and BA degrees and is pursuing a DSc (Doctor of Science) in CyberSecurity.  Chris has published over 20 articles on risk, risk management, and information security. You can read his articles in the National Review, SC Magazine, The Counter Terrorist, Penetration Tester, Secure Payments, and more. He is a frequent pubic speaker on the topics of risk and security and has trained over 10,000 people in 10 countries on information security.  He has been interviewed on NPR, NewsMax and quoted on regional NBC, and Foxnews networks.



1. Doug Pollock - January 25, 2016

Thank you for your contribution

2. darlene - January 25, 2016

your response to Palin was eloquent and well stated. thank you for your contributions for our country and those you are continuning to make today.

3. Linda Kaye - January 25, 2016

I read your letter to Ms. Palin today and thought it was an incredible contribution to creating a better society. Thank you for taking the time. PTSD is very very sad and has taken a huge toll on many of our vets and their families. I am not a supporter of war, so perhaps my voice will not have much meaning to you and others who have served, but I do believe we are accountable as a Nation to serve those who served us and came back harmed. You have inspired me to find a way to volunteer in this way. Thank you! Linda Kaye

Chris Mark - January 25, 2016

I think you are mistaken. I was discussing our military last week with a friend. He said: “Don’t you think that only a military vet should be president?” I said “Hell no! Do you want ME with my hands on the button?” The point I was making is that we need compromise..we need debate..we need balance. I would make a terrible commander in chief. Diversity of opinion and discourse is important. We are missing this in our country today. I appreciate your comments Linda and your willingness to volunteer!

4. Adine Hamlin - February 7, 2016

Chris Mark I salute you for 4 your service 2 this country. As a woman I applaud your courage in challenging Sarah Palin’s ignorance and insensitivity. She is an embarrassment 2 independent women of intelligence and it’s a shame she is so self-absorbed she doesn’t realize how disliked and dispised she is by every woman with a brain. I suffered from PTSD in 1993 after coming home 2 find my sister with half her head blown off. I am living proof there is life after death, because in reality, she killed 2 people that day – herself and me. A piece of my soul died that day and will remain missing until the day I die. Did I have PTSD equivalent 2 what veterans suffer – no, but it was so bad I know from my own experience what soldiers go through is unimaginable. Sarah Palin’s attempt 2 use PTSD as an excuse 2 explain her son’s cowardly and aberrant behavior is not only an insult 2 all military personnel, it is an insult 2 every parent, every woman, and every American. Unfortunately she’s just 2 stupid 2 know it. As a woman and a deeply patriotic American who values the service of our soldiers and veterans 2 the marrow of my bones, I apologize that any woman, any parent, any American could be allowed 2 be so publicly offensive and I can only hope whoever printed the garbage that spews forth from her ignorant, self-absorbed mouth did so 2 highlight 2 the American public how truly disgusting this sorry excuse 4 a human being really is. Again, my deepest gratitude 2 you and your fellow soldiers 4 your service 2 this great country. God bless you, our veterans and soldiers, and God bless America.

5. Joan D. Prokop-Roberts - February 7, 2016

To Chris Mark: I just read your letter to Sarah Palin. Thank you.
As “we” (the media & medical personnel & veterans) try to decrease the stigma of PTSD via education of the public, unfortunately, more & more people are claiming to have PTSD from all sorts of events. The disease is NOT just a disease of war, but of significant or repeated traumatic events. Sadly, we have overshot the goal — a usual thing in America! — and thus minimized the disease & it’s effects. I hope letters like yours which reject the abuse of the diagnosis will be widely publicized & that you will continue to speak out. Thank you for your service & current efforts & I hope you are getting help in dealing with your PTSD.

6. Christine Hendra - August 2, 2016

Mr. Mark: I read your letter to Mr. Khan, and I wanted to say that it is an honest and thoughtfully written response to a grieving father. I am in agreement with almost everything you said. Thank you for clarifying my thoughts.

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