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US Government Failing us on Terrorism June 15, 2016

Posted by Chris Mark in cybersecurity, Uncategorized.
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the dunceAs we learn more and more about the Orlando killer I am increasingly appalled at the incompetence and indifference shown by our own government.  First our own president referred to ISIS as “Junior Varsity”. Omar Mateen was investigated twice by the FBI with the investigations lasting at least 10 months.   After the investigation the FBI ‘closed’ the case.  The officials in DC had the opportunity to re-open or continue the investigation…they did not.

Even Attorney General Lynch said she would open an inquiry to see: “if there are lessons we can learn to prevent another tragedy.” Didn’t we hear similar comments after Boston and San Bernardino. In fact, Lynch stated after San Bernardino:

“We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change,” – What ‘wonderful opportunity did this provide?

Let us not forget that President Obama called the Boston Bombings: “Two brothers and a crackpot”  Let that sink in for a moment after knowing what we know about San Bernardino and Oralando.

Considering we have now seen the Boston Bombing and San Bernadino shootings from the same terrorists…each of which were investigated and cleared…I would say the government FAILED miserably to protect those in Orlando  and is failing to protect us.

Omar Mateen’s father is know to publicly support the Taliban and his parents are from Afghanistan.  Omar Mateen’s “wife” is actually Palestinian.  Interestingly, there is no evidence they were actually married.  Then, we find that Omar Mateen took 2 separate trips to Saudi Arabia for “unknown” reasons. (shouldn’t this have raised numerous red flags?)

Clearly there was something that compelled the FBI to investigate Mateen for over 10 months.  Closing the case should not mean ignoring the individual.  When coupled with the trips to Saudi Arabia and Mateen’s father’s support of the Taliban, you would think it would have re-energized the investigation.  Even if Mateen could legally purchase a firearm, how could his purchasing of a firearm AFTER being investigated for 10 months, taking 2 trips to Saudi Arabia in 1 year, ‘marrying’ a Palestinian woman, and having a father who is pro Taliban NOT compel the US Government to at least watch this guy?

Predictive Analysis is about taking desperate bits of information and predicting behavior.  Using historical information we can identify how people act given certain actions.  How in the f…’hell’ did all of these data points NOT point to a ‘re look’ at Mateen?  I often say “security is indelicate”.  Here is a game?

  • Does being a Middle Eastern person make you a terrorist?  Probably not.  Does being a Middle Eastern Male make you a terrorist? probably not. 
  • Does being a Middle Eastern Male between the ages of 18 and 29 make you a terrorist?  Probably not.
  • Does being a Middle Eastern Male between the ages of 18 and 29 who is also Muslim make you a terrorist? Probably not.  Does being a Middle Eastern Male between the ages of 18 and 29, and Muslim who attends a Mosque known to preach an extremist view of Islam make you a terrorist...hopefully (notice the language change) not…
  • Does being a Middle Eastern Male between the ages of 18 and 29, and Muslim who attends a Mosque known to preach an extremist view of Islam, and who has visited Saudi Arabia in the past year for unknown reasons make you a terrorist?….ummm…maybe…not?
  • Does being a Middle Eastern Male between the ages of 18 and 29, and Muslim who attends a Mosque known to preach an extremist view of Islam, and who has visited Saudi Arabia in the past year for unknown reason, and has published numerous anti American posts on Facebook  make you a terrorist?…Yeah..we hope not? 
  • Does being a Middle Eastern Male between the ages of 18 and 29, and Muslim who attends a Mosque known to preach an extremist view of Islam, and who has visited Saudi Arabia in the past year for unknown reason, and has published numerous anti American posts on Facebook…and recently purchased numerous guns make you a terrorist?…What do you think?

This is PA 101.  Our Government is failing us on a basic level.

As more and more terrorists attack the United States, the current administration’s position is simply to divert blame. He intimates that by calling the terrorists “Islamic radicals” that we are encouraging them and, of course, places the blame on guns.

It is not a ‘gun problem’ it is apathy,  indifference, and disrespect for a very capable, and motivated enemy that is providing an environment that is ripe for these types of attacks.


Threat Adaptation and Guns – Security 101 June 14, 2016

Posted by Chris Mark in Uncategorized.
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PirateSmallLet me start by saying that I, like everyone, am horrified by the events in Orlando. That being said, it is important to understand some concepts inherent to security and why the argument of gun control to prevent attacks like those in Orlando is flawed.

Before I delve into my post I want to give some of  my own background. I started my professional career in the US Marine Security Forces providing armed physical security for a critical national asset.  I have provided Force Protection in a combat zone, was a Marine Scout/Sniper, and I have provided unarmed security in a level 3 psychiatric ward. I have conducted anti-piracy operations in and around the Gulf of Aden and finally, I have been an information security professional for nearly 20 years.  I am also working in a Doctorate in CyberSecurity.  I have written scores of articles and spoken at many dozens of security events.  I may not know much in life but I understand security.

I read a letter from a mother of a Sandy Hook victim.  In the letter she said:

“I am sorry that our tragedy here in Sandy Hook wasn’t enough to save your loved ones,”

While I feel for the mother and understand her very normal and appropriate response to losing her child, the argument simplifies the issue.  Unfortunately, what we are dealing with is not a gun issue…it is a people issue. (more…)